Sunday, March 7, 2010

Cheap Eats and Lowbrow Snacks

Osaka is a working mens/womens town. People always need good cheap lunch food for those days you didn't have your bento box prepared the night before. 400 yen is about $4.40 US. That's like truck food price levels. However, I don't know how many days in a row I could eat takoyaki balls. I think two days is my limit. Good forms of dietary fiber are a bit hard to come by in the city.

Under all that onion and soft boiled egg and other toppings are Osaka's famous tako (octopus) yaki (pan fried?) balls. Actually a cleaver way of cooking, in ball form. I bought a takoyaki pan, eventhough it breaks the first rule of travel and packing, Don't buy items made of cast iron.

For all you waffle fans, this place has it going on. Fresh cooked waffles with either a choc, vanilla or strawberry cream filling.

This just seemed wrong. Some kind of cream or custard filling, and canned corn in a hotdog bun.

A fruit and cream sandwich, on white bread with the crust cut off. All the packaged sandwiches had the crusts cut off. How civilized.

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